Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Idol Worship
Sermon Topic Sunday 1/27/13 Idol Worship
There will be a great end-time deception sent by God (2 Thessalonians
2:11 and Isaiah 66:4), People will bow down and worship the IMAGE of the
beast (Revelation 13:12, 15).
The enemy wants to DRAW God’s
children away from God. A former Wiccan stated that the one thing that
pleases the enemy more than anything else is when he wins away the
children of Christian parents.
What is an idol? … an image regarded as an object of worship, a false god, a person or thing blindly or excessively adored.
Exodus 20:4-6 … 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or
any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the
earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not
bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a
jealous God, visiting the iniquity7 of the fathers upon the children
unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 and shewing
mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
God does not want ANYTHING to take His place … He made the earth, and
hangeth it on nothing (Job 26:7) … as the joke goes, He told the
scientists who said we don’t need Him any more, “Get your own dirt!”
From the beginning, man has wanted an image of God to pay homage to and
worship, to see and touch. They also wanted His name; though they did
not have it until God revealed it to Moses (Exodus 3:14) … Joshua even
mentioned the gods that the people had served “on the other side of the
flood” (Joshua 24:15)
John 4:20-24 The Samaritan woman at the well asked Jesus about which location was the correct one for worshipping God
Exodus 32:1 The Israelites in the wilderness decided that Moses wasn’t
coming back, and asked Aaron to make gold calf for them to worship
(probably the Egyptian god hathor, which they would have been very
familiar with).
Galatians 4:4-6 God’s image would be represented on
earth in the due appointed time of the Father. He did show the Brother
of Jared that representation on the mountain (Ether 1:80-81)
Colossians 1:15, 19 Who is the Image of the invisible God … in Him should ALL fulness dwell
Joshua 24:14-27 The Israelites under Joshua made a solemn covenant with
God that they would worship no other god, and set up an engraved stone
as a witness
2 Kings 18:4 Hezekiah had to destroy the brass serpent of Numbers 21:8-9 because the people were worshipping it
Many idols became a snare to the … Ishtar (Easter, the pagan fertility
goddess … her worship was associated with the “groves” of the Old
Testament); Baal; Molech (which demanded infant sacrifice); the Jews of
the exile were forced to bow down to the image of of Nebuchadnezzer, and
the Roman empire forced all its subjects to bow down to a statue of the
Isaiah 1:2-4 … rebellious Israel has gone away backward;
Isaiah 2:7-8 the land of Israel is full of idols; they worship the work
of their own hands
Mormon 2:16 The description of how far the once-righteous people had fallen … sacrificing captured prisoners to their idol gods
In the Old Testament, God’s fury was swift and catastrophic; His
justice was appeased by divine sacrifice (the Blood of Jesus) and is
held at bay by mercy
Alma 16:210-217 the sacrifice must be an
INFINITE and ETERNAL sacrifice, a great and last sacrifice, to fulfill
the Law of Moses, and bring about mercy
The New Testament church
faced a plague of idol influence … pagan Gentile idol gods were numerous
and EVERYWHERE. Acts 19:24-35 … worshippers of the Roman goddess diana
(Greek artemis) in Ephesus … verse 27 in particular, the manufacturers
of idols of diana were concerned about the loss of their business, and
incited the riot that followed. (The apostles also had to deal with the
question of eating meat from an animal which had been sacrificed to an
idol god, and then served at a banquet or sold in the marketplace msl)
1 John 5:21 Little children, KEEP YOURSELVES FROM IDOLS.
Romans 1:20-23 mankind changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into images of corruptible humans and animals.
Acts 15 The Jerusalem Council discussed the problem of what the
Gentile believers needed to observe to avoid offending Jewish believers …
one stipulation was to avoid fornication, which was not only a personal
problem but also a part of idol worship
These days, many people
acknowledge that Jesus lived, but they speak of “the Jesus I know”
rather than follow Jesus the Messiah of Scripture. And there are many
pagan cultures around the world that worship idols and created things.
2 Timothy 3:1-4 mankind in the last days are lovers of pleasure (and of themselves msl)
We actually worship another golden bovine creature … the statue of the
bull on Wall Street … our wealth is often our idol, but most of it is
not real but virtual (cyber) … one click of a hacker; an EMP weapon, and
We are even still looking for the Ark of the Covenant. (what would we do if it were found? msl)
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers … how can God’s people fellowship with the enemy’s?
Alma 16:235 The Lord dwelleth not in unholy temples, but in the hearts of the righteous….
No tool or man-made device can change the mind, or the heart of man, to
love God … it is your decision to obey and come to the untooled (Exodus
20:25) altar of God
2 Corinthians 3:2-3 and Jeremiah 31:33 … God will write His love on our hearts instead of His law on stone
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Do you think all people that give their life during the tribulation will go to Heaven?
Tuesday Evening Scripture Study on Skype
Topic question: “Do you think all people that give their life during
the tribulation will go to Heaven? Like people who believe in God that
not go to church or have but are not willing to take the mark. They may
have never set foot in a church but they know it’s wrong and evil.”
The key Scripture referred to here is Revelation 13:15-16 15 And he
(the false prophet msl) had power to give life unto the image of the
beast, that the image of the beast would both speak, and cause that as
many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead: (this is
where the number 666 is introduced msl)
Scripture references: Who are the redeemed?
Revelation 14:4-5 … refers to the 144,000 of Israel 14:12-13 … they
that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Moroni 8:3
msl) Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth….and
their works do follow them
Revelation 20:4 Those who were beheaded
for the witness of Jesus and the Word of God, and had not worshipped the
beast nor received the mark
1 Peter 4:13 We WILL suffer tribulation
and persecution for Christ … let us rejoice. Judgement will come to
those who persecute, and glory awaits us.
Acts 21:11,13 Paul told that he will suffer persecution … he welcomes it.
Revelation 2:10 The message to the church in Smyrna … you will be
persecuted; stand strong and be faithful (John 15:18-16:3 also plainly
tells us we will be hated and persecuted msl)
John 15:13; Alma
24:72; 1 John 3:16; Mark 8:34-37; John 12:25; Matthew 16:25; Matthew
10:37-39 … all telling us that Jesus has called us to lay down our
lives, and everything we have, for Him and for our brothers and sisters
in Him; that we may gain eternal life in the end. (Plus some good
commentary from Bible expositors)
Acts 16:31; 2 Peter 3:9; Alma
8:90-92, 96; Matthew 1:21, 1 Peter 3:20-21; John 3:5 and 15:1-4, 9-13;
Romans 8:9, 24; Moroni 7:25 and 10:15; 2 Nephi 11:44 and chapter 13; 1
Corinthians 1:21 and 15:1-2; … How are we saved? The Lord has laid out
THE WAY of salvation for us, as plainly as can be.
About those who
don’t go to church … Hebrews 10:24-26; Alma 4:6; 3 Nephi 8:51; Moroni
6:6 … we are COMMANDED by our Lord and by Scripture to meet with one
another often, and not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. (We
should be glad to do this! msl) (Why does God command us to meet
together? Ephesians 4:11-13, especially v. 12: for the BUILDING UP [the
actual meaning of the Greek word translated “edify”] of the saints.
We’re out there all week being torn down by the world, the flesh, and
the enemy; and need to build each other back up msl)
Rev. 14:5;
20:4 … the 144,000; and those who were beheaded for their witness …
Mosiah 9:40 Our command to stand as a witness AT ALL TIMES for God, even
if it means our death … the results will be so much better than those
of Titus 1:16 … those who profess to know God but in their works deny
Mosiah 8:56; Alma 2:26; 1 John 2:5 … keeping the Word and commandments of God, and preaching it to others
2 Nephi 12:16; Moroni 7:3; Mormon 4:48; Matthew 7:14, 21-23 … humble
followers of Christ evidenced by a peaceable walk with other people …
filled with His love, and purified even as He is pure. These true
followers are few … the way is narrow, and few actually choose to walk
in it. Many will try to claim to know God, but He knows His true
followers, and those who try to enter into the Kingdom on false
pretenses are choosing a sorrowful eternity.
Great question! Keep them coming, they make for some good meaty studies. Have a wonderful week!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Sermon Topic Sunday 1/20/13
We have a God who is to be praised. The angels around His throne are
in constant praise (Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8-11) … and the incense
in the Tabernacle, Temple, and at the Throne represents the prayers of
the saints.
We would like to appreciate the wisdom in thanking our God.
When God makes a statement, it begs the question: am I into this, and doing it? … The Lord looks upon our hearts.
His Word is full of praises to His holiness.
God’s Holy Spirit gives a person joy (Galatians 5:22-3) thus to be
filled with thankfulness … for example, the survivors of the crucifixion
catastrophe in the Americas. They had been the more righteous of the
people, and fully repented during the disaster and darkness. Their
terror and sorrow was replaced with joy when the light returned (3 Nephi
4:64), and when Jesus arrived (3 Nephi 5:17). Jesus was also filled
with joy looking around at them and knowing their hearts (3 Nephi 8:22
and 13:7).
Proverbs 16:1-9 We all devise our own plans and ways,
and consider ourselves right, but the Lord weighs our spirits, and if we
choose Him, He directs our steps and gives us answers.
We live in time, He is outside of time.
1 Thessalonians 1:1-4 We give thanks to God for you … many of Paul’s
letters begin with thanks to God for the people of the Church … 2 Thess.
1:1-4 …bound to thank God for you
Our thankfulness to God should come out in our choices (He directs our steps)
Philemon 1-6; Colossians 1:1-5 … again Paul is thanking God for the believers.
We are devising our plans, God is directin our steps … He is worthy of all praise.
Hebrews 13:12-21 He suffered outside the gate so His blood atoned for sin … let us join Him outside the gate.
The enemy knows who you are, and would hinder and trap you if he could … God is to be thanked for protection against him.
The sacrifice of praise is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to Him. Are we doing this?
Do good and communicate (Greek “koinonia”, fellowship, sharing) right, for God is well pleased with such sacrifices.
Submit to those who are in authority over you … the God of peace make
you perfect (Greek “katartizo”, complete, adjusted, mended, restored) in
every good work.
Romans 6:17-19 God is to be thanked, because look
where you were, and where you would have been without Him; and
appreciate where you are now by obedience.
1 Peter 2:9 The royal
priesthood, the chosen generation … to show forth His praises … a holy
nation, a peculiar people. We may not be popular with the world … in
fact Jesus promised us that we would be hated by the world … but we will
receive blessings from God.
Colossians 3:12-15 The elect of God … exhibiting thankfulness to our Lord
Psalm 107:21-22 O that we would praise our God and thank Him for His goodness … the whole psalm is on this theme
Psalm 95:1-7 Let us sing praises and thanksgiving to the Lord, for He is great.
2 Nephi 14:11-12 Hearken to the Spirit which teaches us to pray … the
enemy teaches us to not pray … faint not, and don’t do anything unto the
Lord without praying, that he will consecrate your performance to the
welfare of your soul … are we teaching our children and friends that he
is the source of our existence and blessing?
3 Nephi 8:50-52 watch
and pray always lest we enter into temptation … pray in our families
that our children be blessed (a very strong tradition and practice among
the Jews).
Alma 16:238 Live in thanksgiving daily … so you are not led away by the enemy
We cannot buy a blessing … they are freely given to those who love, thank, and obey.
God bless all of you and have a great Monday!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Who were the religious leaders of Christ's day?
Tuesday night Scripture Study on Skype
Topic was "Who were the religious leaders of Christ's day?"
Based on the question "....why is Christ also so against the scribes?"
based on the frequent occurrence of the phrase "the scribes and
A Scribe is considered by us to be someone who writes, and the Hebrew word for scribe indicates this.
The study also considered the other offices of the Jewish congregation,
and that some offices changed their characteristics after the
Babylonian destruction and exile.
The High Priest: originally the
eldest son of the eldest son etc. of Aaron, the first High Priest. The
only one allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, only on the Day of
Atonement. During the post-exilic, pre-Christ era, under the Greeks and
Romans, the High Priesthood became a political office.
The Chief
Priests: directly beneath the High Priest. The highest-ranking, the
captain of the Temple, supervised the Priests and Temple activities.
Other Chief Priests had charge of daily and weekly services, the
treasury, and the Temple vessels.
Ordinary Priests: along with the
Chief Priests, all descendants of Aaron. They were divided into
"courses" to take turns serving in the Temple (John's father Zacharias
was of the Course of Abijah). The Priests took care of the altar fires,
the incense and unleavened bread offerings, and killing sacrificial
The Levites: Other descendants of Levi, not thru Aaron.
Lowest in rank, they served as guards, doorkeepers, and
singers/musicians. They were originally charged with carrying the
components of the Tabernacle.
Elders: Older men who were given authority among the people because of their age, experience, and wisdom.
Pharisees: a group that appeared after the exile. They were disgusted
with the idolatry of the pre-exile Jews, and held themselves "broken
off" the people at large (which is what the Hebrew word "pharez"
indicates). In Christ's time they had made the Law of Moses into an
incredibly complicated system of traditions, and prided themselves on
their righteousness.
Sadducees: A group of priests who had the
attitude of the Pharisees, but rejected all Scripture except the
Pentateuch (first five books), and did not believe in the Resurrection,
or in angels. That's why they are sad, you see. They and the Pharisees
were enemies, except when they had a common enemy like Jesus.
Scribes of the New Testament were the explainers and interpreters of the
Law, as well as transcribers of Scripture, and were part of the
Sanhedrin or Council. They held complete sway over the thoughts and
religious practice of ordinary people. Since they held such authority,
and taught falsehood and worked evil, they came under condemnation from
Jesus; and along with the Pharisees conspired to eliminate Jesus. They
conspired in His arrest, mocked Him at trial, helped to demand of Pilate
His crucifixion, and continued to persecute His followers after His
death and resurrection.
Great question and answer. Keep them coming!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Our Day Of Probation
Sermon Topic Sunday morning 1/13/13, Elder Adam Porter.
Our Day Of Probation
Do we assume how much time we have in this life -- making long-term plans?
Do we seek to wrong sources to find out the length of his life -- such as psychics, fortune-tellers and astrologers?
We need to prepare within the time we have, for the next life
Hezekiah was told that he would die of his illness, and asked the Lord
for more time -- he was given an additional 15 years, during which his
son Manasseh was born, who succeeded him as king -- and turned out to be
one of Judah's most wicked kings.
Most people -- even many
Christians -- believe that there have been billions of years before us,
and will be billions of years after us. What does the WORD say?
always was, is, and always will be ... When we go to be with God, we
will know ALL ... unlike the little we know in this life.
The father
of lies has brought many beliefs & practices, conditions &
cultures among men. We cannot judge the final state of others ... this
is the meaning of Matthew 7:1, judge not lest ye be judged, for with
whatsoever judgement you measure out, you will be judged. We need to
testify to others about the power of God in our lives.
The whole world once knew of the One True God and His Salvation -- we have rebelled and sought other sources of salvation.
2 Nephi 1:105-109 (genetic tracing of the entire human race goes back
to one man and one woman ... Adam and Eve's perfect DNA, authored by
God, allowed Cain and his siblings to marry each other) They were given
time to repent WHILE IN THE FLESH ... God gave the commandment that ALL
were lost and must repent. We must live according to what we know is
2 Nephi 1:95-99 There IS a God, and an opposition in all things. We each act for ourselves.
Alma 9:40-43, 47-51 --- this life is the probationary period. The plan
of REDEMPTION has made the resurrection possible ... we are preparing
to meet God, and for that endless state, which is beyond our
comprehension ... God is timeless, and we live these lives in time.
So that man could know what he must do, God sent angels to conmverse
with them ... He made the plan of redemption known to them, and gave
them commandments, and they were in a state to act for themselves.
John 9:4 (the man born blind) Jesus said "I must work the works of Him
Who sent me while it is day -- the night cometh when no man can work.
2 Nephi 13:31 (and John 14:6) -- there is NO OTHER WAY of salvation.
Matthew 7:1 -- we do not condemn others, we are only allowed to be fruit inspectors.
1 Thess. 5:5-9 be children of the light and of the day -- don't let
that day overtake you as a thief in the night -- be sober and awake.
Put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation
(see also Eph. 12). Each of us needs to work out our salvation with
faith, repentance, and baptism (water and the spirit).
John 11:9-10 walk in the DAY -- Jesus is the Light of the world (also John 8:12)
we must go on in faith to maturity, and as we grow together, we
discover our gifts and use them to edify (build up) our brothers and
sisters in the Church.
1Nephi 2:62-9 The Rod of Iron ... again
talking of that probationary state. The mists of darkness arise, trying
to make us go astray ... those who held the Rod got to the Tree Of
Life, those who did not hold onto the Rod, didn't.
1 Cor. 15:40-54
raised in INCORRUPTION ... we cannot hope for eternal glory when we
stand before God unredeemed and uncleansed.
Alma 16:226-237 -- The
scriptures testify ... do not harden your hearts ... this life is your
time to repent, don't procrastinate! You will not repent when face to
face with God; whichever spirit has you when your last breath departs
your body (Holy Spirit or the enemy) has you for all eternity. God does
not dwell in unholy temples, but in the hearts of the righteous. Be in
an attitude of worship all 7 days of the week.
Mosiah 3:8-21 -- the
people had made a covenant; they were born of Christ, and are His
children ... there is no other way or name by which we can be saved
(there are those who say "we're all God's children" -- even those who
have made no covenant with God nor come to Him by faith, repentance, and
1 Cor. 2:9 -- we can't imagine what God has waiting for
us -- but God reveals them by His Spirit, which is the proof of God's
love and the earnest of our inheritance.
Eph. 1:10-14 The Holy Spirit of promist ... the Comforter (John 16:7ff)
An excellent sermon by our brother Adam. Have a blessed week!
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