Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Day Of Probation

Sermon Topic Sunday morning 1/13/13, Elder Adam Porter.
Our Day Of Probation
Do we assume how much time we have in this life -- making long-term plans?
Do we seek to wrong sources to find out the length of his life -- such as psychics, fortune-tellers and astrologers?
We need to prepare within the time we have, for the next life
Hezekiah was told that he would die of his illness, and asked the Lord for more time -- he was given an additional 15 years, during which his son Manasseh was born, who succeeded him as king -- and turned out to be one of Judah's most wicked kings.
Most people -- even many Christians -- believe that there have been billions of years before us, and will be billions of years after us. What does the WORD say?
God always was, is, and always will be ... When we go to be with God, we will know ALL ... unlike the little we know in this life.
The father of lies has brought many beliefs & practices, conditions & cultures among men. We cannot judge the final state of others ... this is the meaning of Matthew 7:1, judge not lest ye be judged, for with whatsoever judgement you measure out, you will be judged. We need to testify to others about the power of God in our lives.
The whole world once knew of the One True God and His Salvation -- we have rebelled and sought other sources of salvation.
2 Nephi 1:105-109 (genetic tracing of the entire human race goes back to one man and one woman ... Adam and Eve's perfect DNA, authored by God, allowed Cain and his siblings to marry each other) They were given time to repent WHILE IN THE FLESH ... God gave the commandment that ALL were lost and must repent. We must live according to what we know is true.
2 Nephi 1:95-99 There IS a God, and an opposition in all things. We each act for ourselves.
Alma 9:40-43, 47-51 --- this life is the probationary period. The plan of REDEMPTION has made the resurrection possible ... we are preparing to meet God, and for that endless state, which is beyond our comprehension ... God is timeless, and we live these lives in time.
So that man could know what he must do, God sent angels to conmverse with them ... He made the plan of redemption known to them, and gave them commandments, and they were in a state to act for themselves.
John 9:4 (the man born blind) Jesus said "I must work the works of Him Who sent me while it is day -- the night cometh when no man can work.
2 Nephi 13:31 (and John 14:6) -- there is NO OTHER WAY of salvation.
Matthew 7:1 -- we do not condemn others, we are only allowed to be fruit inspectors.
1 Thess. 5:5-9 be children of the light and of the day -- don't let that day overtake you as a thief in the night -- be sober and awake. Put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation (see also Eph. 12). Each of us needs to work out our salvation with faith, repentance, and baptism (water and the spirit).
John 11:9-10 walk in the DAY -- Jesus is the Light of the world (also John 8:12)
we must go on in faith to maturity, and as we grow together, we discover our gifts and use them to edify (build up) our brothers and sisters in the Church.
1Nephi 2:62-9 The Rod of Iron ... again talking of that probationary state. The mists of darkness arise, trying to make us go astray ... those who held the Rod got to the Tree Of Life, those who did not hold onto the Rod, didn't.
1 Cor. 15:40-54 raised in INCORRUPTION ... we cannot hope for eternal glory when we stand before God unredeemed and uncleansed.
Alma 16:226-237 -- The scriptures testify ... do not harden your hearts ... this life is your time to repent, don't procrastinate! You will not repent when face to face with God; whichever spirit has you when your last breath departs your body (Holy Spirit or the enemy) has you for all eternity. God does not dwell in unholy temples, but in the hearts of the righteous. Be in an attitude of worship all 7 days of the week.
Mosiah 3:8-21 -- the people had made a covenant; they were born of Christ, and are His children ... there is no other way or name by which we can be saved (there are those who say "we're all God's children" -- even those who have made no covenant with God nor come to Him by faith, repentance, and baptism).
1 Cor. 2:9 -- we can't imagine what God has waiting for us -- but God reveals them by His Spirit, which is the proof of God's love and the earnest of our inheritance.
Eph. 1:10-14 The Holy Spirit of promist ... the Comforter (John 16:7ff)
An excellent sermon by our brother Adam. Have a blessed week!

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