Summary of the situation of the Church of Christ in India
Sermon Topic Sunday 3/17/13
Elder Dennis Trudgen and his wife Betsy traveled from Lakeland FL. to
our home in Port St. Lucie FL, to conduct a sacrament service for us,
which was much appreciated. Randy and i, Jeff and Bev Butts and their
children Danielle and Clinton, and George and Loretta Greig were
Dennis gave us a summary of the situation of the Church of
Christ in India. An interesting thing occurring there is that many
pastors of independent churches there, being hungry to learn, come to
hear our preachers. They are not affiliated with a national or
worldwide denomination, and most of them lean to a
charismatic/pentecostal style of worship.
The number-one hindrance
to the spread of the Gospel in India is that these pastors expect to get
paid for pastoring their churches. They have been preaching for years,
and paid by their congregations, and don’t know how else they could
earn an income. The problem with this is that these preachers have to
preach what their congregations want to hear.
In the Phillippines,
we have over 4000 members, and growing. Membership has stabilized in
Kenya, and is growing in Tanzania, where a new elder has been ordained.
And on that note … Alma 1 … Nehor comes among the Nephites, preaching
that priests and teachers were to be supported by the people instead of
working for their own living. He wound up killing a man, so he was
brought before Alma to be judged. Alma sentenced him to death for the
murder, but also reprimanded him for priestcraft. V. 8 … many had
believed and gave him money. He was preaching a perverted gospel … just
like today, preaching for gain CHANGES the word … the preacher has to
stay in his congregation’s good graces.
2 Nephi 11:106 … He (the
LORD, v. 104) commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for,
behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a
light unto the world, that they may get gain, and praise of the world;
but they seek not the welfare of Zion. Those who do this DO NOT HAVE
If they labor for money, will they perish eternally? GOD is the judge of that.
1 Peter 5:2 … Dennis read from Holman’s Christian Standard Bible 2
shepherd God's flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but
freely, according to God's [will]; not for the money but eagerly….
The King James uses the words “filthy lucre”. The Greed word behind
this expression is Strong’s G 147 “aischrokerdos” from G 150 “aischros”
shameful, filthy and “kerdos” gain.
Dennis touched on a message he gave us last year when he traveled from Lakeland to our area, on the trial of our faith.
1 Peter 4:12-13 Don’t think it strange when fiery trials come, but rejoice
Romans 5:3 We glory in tribulations, knowing that they work patience in us
James 1:2-3 Count it all joy when we fall into temptations (trials), because the trying of our faith works patience in us.
How many people fall away because they are not prepared to carry on?
Matthew 13:3-9 … the parable of the sower and the seeds. The seeds represent four groups of people on Earth.
The seeds that fell by the wayside, that were immediately eaten by
birds, are those who hear the Word and dismiss it out of hand … they are
not interested at all in the Kingdom, and the enemy immediately takes
it away from them. (v. 19)
The seed that fell in stony places are
those who hear and receive the word eagerly, but do not nurture that
word and strengthen it (see Alma 16:164-165), so that it becomes deeply
rooted; so when trials or persecutions come, those persons are offended
and the shallow-rooted Word withers away in them. (v. 21)
The seed
that fell among the thorns, or weeds, are those who receive the word and
it grows within them, but then the cares and stresses of everyday life
crowd out the Word and prevent it from having any effect in their lives
(v. 22)
The seed that fell on good ground, are those who hear the
Word, joyfully receive it, and seek to understand, and nurture and
strengthen it in their lives, and become fruitful believers in the
Kingdom (v. 23)
Matthew 7:15-20 The tree is known by its fruit … a
good tree gives good fruit; an evil tree gives evil fruit (a fruit tree
can be identified by its leaves, but let’s face it, if it’s not
producing fruits, or only makes nasty little sour/bitter fruits, it
will be cut down and disposed of [v. 19] msl).
Galatians 5:19-23 …
the works of the flesh, contrasted with the fruit of the Spirit (notice
the word “fruit” is singular here msl) … Growth in the Spirit is a
process; we are molded by life and our trials and problems. Those who
do the works of the flesh , DO NOT inherit the Kingdom (v.21)
Philippians 2:12-13 Work out your own salvation … it’s a process, to the
end of our life on Earth. We have to work, and praise God, He also
works in us!
Alma 16:147-150 … Alma speaking to the outcasts of the
Zoramites. It’s not just believing … it’s HOPING and DESIRING (James
2:19, the demons believe in God, and TREMBLE … they fear Him, but they
have no hope or desire to be part of His Kingdom) (see also Hebrews 11 …
these people believed God, and worked out their faith in their lives).
Alma 16:163 … you have trusted Him enough to plant the seed; is your
knowledge perfect? NO. Refer back to Matthew 13 … the seed that fell on
the stony ground, and the seed that fell among the thorns, sprouted and
grew … but did not endure to produce fruit (Moroni 8:3, endure in your
faith to the end)
Alma 16:170-171 … How do we nourish that seed, to
make it deeply-rooted and strong in our lives? By faith with great
diligence, and with patience WITH THE WORD … and BY AND BY the fruit
comes. It’s a period of time. (2 Timothy 2:15, STUDY; and 1 Peter 3:15,
be ready to give an answer ….) If we read and study the Word, it will
be nourished within us and bear fruit in our lives. This is the faith
part … we must also KEEP the desire and hope! V. 171 … how wonderful is
that fruit (Galatians 5:22-23)
2 Nephi 13:24-31 … the WAY by which
we enter the Kingdom. V. 24, the gate by which we enter is repentance
and water baptism; then comes the remission of our sins by fire, and by
the Holy Ghost; then we follow the Rod of Iron on that narrow path. Is
all done then? NO … v.28, we have come thus far by faith in Christ, and
v.29 we must continue to press forward with steadfastness in Christ,
with hope and love. That is our responsibility; then the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, and His wisdom and guidance, are God’s. Is all done yet?
NO … we must continue to press forward, holding the Rod of Iron,
enduring in our faith and in the brightness of hope, to the end of our
time here. (Ephesians 4:11-14 … the purpose of the church is to build
one another up [the meaning of the Greek word translated “edifying”]
Moroni 8:29 … Salvation, in one verse. The FIRST-FRUITS of
repentance is baptism, then onward and upward! (Hebrews 6 … lay the
foundation, then build on it)
John 15:1-10
He is the True Vine, we are the branches—how are we nourished? By
abiding in the Vine … a branch cut off gets no nourishment from the Vine
and withers away. God the Father is the husbandman (Strong’s G1091
“georgos”, from “geo” earth, and “ergon”, to work). An interesting
concept here … every unfruitful branch is cut off and discarded, and
every fruitful branch is “purged” or pruned to make it more fruitful.
You might say, we’re pruned if we do, and pruned if we don’t….
Testing ourselves: Scripture tells us what the fruit of the Holy
Spirit, and of life in Christ … do we have joy, or not? –charity, or
envy, strife, contention? --peace/contentment, or discontent/fear? –are
we patient, or quick to anger? –proud, boastful, or humble/meek? Do we
seek the LORD with tears? Do we seek His Word, or our own
Moroni 8:52-53 CLEAVE (stick like glue msl)
unto charity, the pure love of Christ. Pray unto the Father … when He
appears, we shall be like Him.
Before serving the Sacrament, Dennis read from Moroni 6, as well as 4 and 5 … Moroni 6:6
The church met together to fast, pray, and to ENCOURAGE (build up) one
another, as well as to partake of bread and wine in remembrance of the
Lord Jesus.
Moroni 4:4 and 5:3 … the elder asks God to BLESS and
SANCTIFY the bread and wine to the souls of those who partake. The
Sacrament has a blessing for us! We in turn are WITNESSING that we have
taken His Spirit; and are PROMISING that we will keep His commandments,
to have His Spirit.
We truly enjoyed the visit with our brothers
and sisters in the Lord, and Dennis’s inspiring message … and we are
thankful to the Lord for the lovely home He has provided for us here. I
was not able to tune into the Bradley Local … if anyone has thoughts
and notes on Adam’s message, they are welcome here!
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